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Seichem 1 Certification


Prerequisite is Usui Reiki Level 1

Seichem 1


Seichem is a ancient Egyptian healing technique that was discovered inside Egyptian pyramids. It is a living light energy and when a person channels Seichem they are able to call in the energies of three elements,  Sakara (fire), Sophiel (water), and Angelic Light (Air/Ether).  These three energies complement Reiki which is connected to the element earth.


Sakara(fire) - has the property of transformation and is able to burn through and transform blockages and resistance in the physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Sophiel(water) - a gentle energy that reaches deep within the emotional body to gently heal and open the heart to receive more love and to feel compassion.  

Angelic Light - works with both the element of air and the angelic realm. This energy connects both healer and client closely with angelic energies.

During this class you will receive an attunement to start working with these powerful and trans-formative energies. You will practice how to work with each of of these energies. 

Seichem 1 class also includes all class materials and a certificate of completion that will certify students as  First Degree Seichem Practitioner


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All sessions are confidential. Any information imparted or questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgment. Readings/sessions and advisement are not a substitute for medical, psychiatric, financial or legal professional services.


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